مجلة البلقاء للبحوث والدراسات

نشرت من قبل: عمادة البحث العلمي, جامعة عمان الاهلية

ISSN (للنسخة مطبوعة): 0615-1684, ISSN (للنسخة إلكترونية): 2814-2616

Open Access Journal

Communication Abilities in Jordanian Subjects with Multiple Sclerosis

المجلد 14, العدد رقم 1, 2011

الصفحات: 13 - 14

عدد المشاهدات:


The subjects of the study were 19 female patients and 20 male patients with MS. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of: 1) perception of voice handicap and 2) the maximum expiratory and inspiratory pressure (MEP and MIP. respectively) on patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). The effect of voice on the patient>s life was measured by Arabic version of Voice handicap Index (V1-ll-Arab). and the maximum expiratory and inspiratory pressures were measured by a manometer (Fluke 717 30G, Germany). Descriptive results revealed that female VH1-Arab scores were as follows: (functional:6.74, physical: 7.26, emotional: 5. total: 19). As for males V1-ll-Arab scores were as follows: (functional: 9.75. physical: 8.35, emotional: 9.55, total: 27.65). MEP/MIP results were as follows: MEP (female: 37.73, male: 80.94). MIP (female: 53.53, male: 88.59). The Multivariate Analysis of Variance revealed no significant differences between males and females in the \/H1-Arab Scores. However. there was a significant difference between males and females in all MEP/MIP scores. On the Other hand. for both males and females the mean score was below the normal cutoff score (functional: 7.6. physical: 7.34, emotional: 3.71 total: 16.55) and below than normal cutoff score (female MEP: 1111 25, female MIP : 79 1 19, male MEP:192 i 42, male MIP: 117 + Z5). in the current study 42 female patients and 55 male patients had higher than normal VH1 score, 100 female patients had below than normal MEP score and 73.6 below than normal MIP score, 100 male patients had below than normal MEP score and 50 below than normal MIP score . Female MS tend to have lower maximum expiratory and inspiratory pressure. The study concluded that MS patients. particularly females. need to undergo a rehabilitation program to increase their MEP/MIP scores and decrease their perception of voice handicap. The ultimate goal would be improving their communication abilities and improving their quality of life.

الكلمات المفتاحية

Communication Abilities - Jordanian Subjects- Multiple Sclerosis.



الجندي, ل. &  

ناطور, ي.


  Communication Abilities in Jordanian Subjects with Multiple Sclerosis.

  مجلة البلقاء للبحوث والدراسات,



