Al-Balqa Journal for Research and Studies

Published by: Deanship of Scientific Research, Al-Ahliyya Amman University

ISSN (Print Version): 1684-0615, ISSN (Online Version): 2616-2814

Open Access Journal

Bank Exclusion for Customers: An Imperical Study on a Sample of Jordanian Banks

Volume 12, Issue No 1, 2007

Pages: 13 - 34

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The study aims at analyzing the phenomena of bank excluding of customers in the Jordanian banks through explaining it’s reasons, the factors that influence the banks’ choice of the customers, the standards they use in their evaluation, and the most important factors that the banks take in consideration when the excluding decisions for individuals or companies are made, by measuring and identifying the most important factors affecting this phenomena, besides the most important standards of evaluating the customers risk. The Descriptive Analysis has been used to determine the main factors affecting the excluding phenomena, to analyze the questions of the questioner and to examine the assumptions of the study, depending on Frequencies, Means, Standard Deviation, Coefficient of Variation, and the Correlation Coefficient and Cronbach ((1) to verify the reliability of the questioner, in addition to t-test to examine the research assumption: The conclusions show that the main reasons for bank excluding are: 1- The weaknesses of financial and credit positions of the customers. 2- The fall back of the reputation of the company, and the previous experience of discouraged treatment with the bank. 3- The nature of the company’s activities and the sector that it works through such as (the increasing risk of the sector, unsustainable sector , unavailable technical experience for the customers, and the non diversification of the company activities). 4- Legal standards, social-economics factors, and the policy of the bank.


Reasons - Bank Exclusion -Customers.



Al-Alami, M.


  Bank Exclusion for Customers: An Imperical Study on a Sample of Jordanian Banks.

  Al-Balqa Journal for Research and Studies,



