Al-Balqa Journal for Research and Studies

Published by: Deanship of Scientific Research, Al-Ahliyya Amman University

ISSN (Print Version): 1684-0615, ISSN (Online Version): 2616-2814

Open Access Journal

Aspect of psychological and social explanations of language

Volume 4, Issue No 1, 1996

Pages: 105 - 128

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This study analyzes the impact of various psychological and social changes on linguistic phenomena. Since human beings are similar in their psychological fabric and their social structures, it is expected that their languages share some universal aspects in both areas. Many examples are given in this study to illustrate the universal aspects. These examples come from different historical period, from old usage of languages to the modern. This paper also deals with changes which appear in different features of languages; phonology, morphology, and syntax. In addition, this study describes linguistic phenomena which started as individual usage, and in later stages under certain circumstances, were accepted linguistically by their communities. These accepted changes are contrasted with other phenomena which were not accepted, but were looked at as mistakes or speech defects .


Psychological - Social Explanations-language.



Amayreh, I.


  Aspect of psychological and social explanations of language.

  Al-Balqa Journal for Research and Studies,



