Al-Balqa Journal for Research and Studies

Published by: Deanship of Scientific Research, Al-Ahliyya Amman University

ISSN (Print Version): 1684-0615, ISSN (Online Version): 2616-2814

Open Access Journal

Teaching and Evaluation Methods and Ethical Values in SuratYusuf (Joseph)

Volume 17, Issue No 2, 2014

Pages: 143 - 175

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research aimed at identifying Surat Yusuf (Joseph), peace be upon him, through clarifying the different types of afflictions and adversities that he had encountered by his brothers, and by others in the house of Egypts Ruler (Aziz), as well as in prison, and it was intended to entertain the Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him, after he and the believers had faced and come through different calamities and disasters. The researcher has examined the following teaching methods: the story, the indoctrination, the dialogue, problems solving, investigating and exploring, the carrot and the stick method, explaining and interpreting. Then he has examined the methods of self-evaluation, namely: tribal, structural, and final. Also, he has examined commendable moral values, namely: advice, honesty, patience, chastity, tolerance, and streptococcus values, as well as reprehensible and moral values; hatred, envy, lying, maliciousness, cunning, wishes, injustice and betrayal. The researcher recommended at the necessity of using the teaching and evaluation methods which have been mentioned in Surat Yusuf in learning and teaching, and adhering the commendable ethical virtues, and avoiding the reprehensible bad values.


teaching methods, Calendar, Surah Yusuf, moral values.



Al-Mawajdah, B.


  Teaching and Evaluation Methods and Ethical Values in SuratYusuf (Joseph).

  Al-Balqa Journal for Research and Studies,



