Al-Balqa Journal for Research and Studies

Published by: Deanship of Scientific Research, Al-Ahliyya Amman University

ISSN (Print Version): 1684-0615, ISSN (Online Version): 2616-2814

Open Access Journal

The Efficacy of a Training Program Based on the Environmental Education in Developing the Environmental Literacy and Positive Attitudes Towards the Environment for Faculty of Education, Science and Arts (FESA) Students,UNRWA, Jordan.

Volume 16, Issue No 2, 2013

Pages: 157 - 191

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The study aimed to find out the efficacy of a training program in the Environmental Education in developing the environmental literacy and positive attitudes towards the environment for FESA students, UNRWA, Jordan. The study sample amounted to (74) female sophomore students randomly divided into two groups: an experimental group which included (37) female students and a controlled group which incorporated the same number of female students, (37). Both groups used to study a life-science course. The said study training program was implemented on the experimental group and received (12) study hours divided into (4) weeks, (3) hours per week. The training program prepared by the two researchers was used in the study and was taught to the experimental group. An achievement test and attitude scale prepared by the researchers were also employed in the fore-mentioned program. The validity and reliability of the test were also calculated in addition to a result analysis. The results showed that the experimental group excelled the controlled group in the achievement test and attitudes scale. So the mean for the environmental literacy test for the experimental group was (21.95 ) while the mean for the same test for the controlled group was (16.32). According to the ANCOVA test applied in this study, the differences between the two groups were significant in favor of the experimental group; moreover, the mean for the environmental attitudes scale for the experimental group was (174.74), and the mean for the same scale for the controlled group was (130.68). These differences were significant in favor of the experimental group, so these results pointed out the efficacy of the applied training program in increasing the environmental literacy and positive environmental attitudes.


A training Program, Environmental Education, Environmental Literacy, FESA- UNRWA.



Ayash, A. &  

Abu Snineh, A.


  The Efficacy of a Training Program Based on the Environmental Education in Developing the Environmental Literacy and Positive Attitudes Towards the Environment for Faculty of Education, Science and Arts (FESA) Students,UNRWA, Jordan..

  Al-Balqa Journal for Research and Studies,



