Al-Balqa Journal for Research and Studies

Published by: Deanship of Scientific Research, Al-Ahliyya Amman University

ISSN (Print Version): 1684-0615, ISSN (Online Version): 2616-2814

Open Access Journal

Peace Treaties between Muslims and the Christians of the Euphrates Jezirah during the Islamic - Arab Conquest

Volume 9, Issue No 1, 2002

Pages: 137 - 156

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The Islamic -Arab conquest set out during the second decade of the first century A,H.. i.e. the seventh century A.D. As a result of that conquest. Syria and Iraq were liberated from the control of Byzentnies and Sassans. Then_ the Islamic -Arab leadership found out that such a victory would never be safe without liberating the Euphrates Jezirah – the are which is surrounded by the upper Euphrates and Tigris and which includes Northern lraq and north - eastern Syria; it was also of a tremendous Economic and military importance‘ This explains why the Romans did their best to ave that area. in particular. under their stronghold and brought great numbers of their forces to it. The campaigns led by ldah bin Ghunm to liberate the Euphrates Jezirah started in I8 AH. and lasted for eighteen month. Throughout those campaigns. most of the Jezirah cities were liberated peacefully. The cities inhabitants who mostly embraced Christianity supported the liberating Arab Muslims for the former looked forward to getting rid of the oppressive Byzantines and Sassans who tyrannized over them for several centuries . The research analyses and discusses the peace treaties signed by Muslims and Christians of the Euphrates lezirah during the liberation process. These treaties were documented in the Arab sources. Especially, Kutubal futooh. They organized the Muslims - Christians relations. highlighted the early positive attitude of the Muslims towards the Christians there and safeguarded the religious as well as the civil rights of the Christians themselves.


Peace Treaties - Muslims - Christians of the Euphrates Jezirah.



Al-Kaabi, A.


  Peace Treaties between Muslims and the Christians of the Euphrates Jezirah during the Islamic - Arab Conquest.

  Al-Balqa Journal for Research and Studies,



